Commerce for Secondary Schools and Business Colleges Book 1

Commerce for Secondary Schools and Business Colleges Book 1

  • AuthorBadru A. Mohamed,
  • PublisherTanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
  • Year1993

Students like to have summarized notes which contain just enough information which will assist them in passing the examinations. This is the main objective of this book.

This book covers Colleges of Business Education syllabus in Com-merce. This book consists of eleven chapters. The exercises at the end of each of chapters 1-9 provide a useful teaching and learning aid. Students are strongly advised to go through each exercise after covering the relevant chapter.

Chapter Ten consists of two Test Papers which resemble those issued by the National Examination Council. Chapter Eleven provides answers to the two Test Papers and some of the questions in the Exercises.

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Book Title Commerce for Secondary Schools and Business Colleges Book 1
Author Badru A. Mohamed,
ISBN 978-9976-584-24-0
Edition Language
Date Published 2022-10-01
Publisher Tanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
Pages 94
Chapters 11

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