Simplified Activity – Based Method of Cost Estimates for Simple Buildings

Simplified Activity – Based Method of Cost Estimates for Simple Buildings

  • AuthorJackson Mbaijo Lwerengera, B.Sc. Civil Engineering, MEM
  • PublisherTanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
  • Year2016

This book is about you and your needs. It will make you be your own building’s cost estimator. It will lead you to understand the logics and mathematics behind the building’s values. And above all these, it will make you be up to date and catch up with the world of costs. This book is solely about the Simple Building Cost Model. It is an activity-based- costing model, whereby about nineteen (19) activities or elements of the building are quantitatively estimated and each eventually costed to give a total estimate of the whole building cost. This model has been established by me to be used as one of the tools in analyzing the adequacy of one of the commonly used building cost valuation method in Tanzania. I developed this method when doing research for the Master degree of Engineering Management at the University of Dar es Salaam in 2014.

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Book Title Simplified Activity – Based Method of Cost Estimates for Simple Buildings
Author Jackson Mbaijo Lwerengera, B.Sc. Civil Engineering, MEM
ISBN 978 9987 07 057 2
Edition Language
Date Published 2022-11-06
Publisher Tanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
Pages 54
Chapters 6

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