Selected Concepts, Ideas and Essays in the Economics of Education

Selected Concepts, Ideas and Essays in the Economics of Education

  • AuthorJustinian C.J. Galabawa
  • PublisherTanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
  • Year2021

This book of Selected Concepts, Ideas and Essays in the Economics of Education is meant to be used by University students and beginning teachers of Economics of Education,Professor Emeritus Justinian C.J, Calabawa has put together selected readings that will be useful Futility to Education Managers and Leaders,particularly tliose involved in planning and financing of the sector. The idea is that education management is a science which should not be done based on populist ideas only.
This book is an essential reference.

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Book Title Selected Concepts, Ideas and Essays in the Economics of Education
Author Justinian C.J. Galabawa
ISBN 978-9976-584-18-9
Edition Language
Date Published 2021-01-01
Publisher Tanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
Pages 110
Chapters 9

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