Perspectives in Educational Management and Administration

Perspectives in Educational Management and Administration

  • AuthorJustinian C. J. Galabawa
  • PublisherTanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
  • Year2022

This book is a modest contribution to the development of a skilled cadre of educational managers and adminstrators in Tanzania. Professor Justinian C. J. Galabawa has analytically described the four schools of thought on management and administration,and their utility. Education managers and leaders, particularly those who have trained on the job,need to be conversant with these foundational theories so as to enhance their capacity.Thus, heads of schools, colleges and other educational institutions,inspectors of education, and educational practitioners in general will nd this book useful. To students of education in unversities and teacher training colleges, Perspectives in Educational Management and Administation is an essential reference book

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Book Title Perspectives in Educational Management and Administration
Author Justinian C. J. Galabawa
ISBN 978-9976-584-20-2
Edition Language
Date Published 2022-01-01
Publisher Tanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
Pages 155
Chapters 9

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