The Spy Who Killed His Boss

The Spy Who Killed His Boss

  • AuthorJustine Hezron Bake
  • PublisherTanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
  • Year2023

A horde of western feminist organizations have infested our country, turning our mothers and sisters into street hustlers. They have used unworkable micro-credits to lure family caretakers out of their homesteads, leaving our homes constantly pad- locked, and children scavenging for food in dumps. They have attacked us from the family level in order to dismantle the African civilization systematically.
They have turned our wives into rebellious career women, by empowering them against their husbands, and granting them women's rights,as if women's rights were not human rights. Unbeknownst of the fact that our women are already overworked with bearing and rearing children, they have overburdened our mothers with extra work of winning the family bread, when that is the duty of their husbands.
But, when they sell Julio's wife to blackmailing sextortionists, things turn sour for them. The fight to restore his wife back into family care costs the lives of innocent detectives along with their retired
boss. This shakedown happens in the notorious forest of Mabwepande that is sandwiched into the commercial city of Dar es Salaam. You need to see for yourself the apocalypse that transpired in there, that ended in putting an end to feminist exploits
in our country. Enjoy!

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Book Title The Spy Who Killed His Boss
Author Justine Hezron Bake
ISBN 978-9976-584-13-4
Edition Language
Date Published 2023-12-28
Publisher Tanzania Educational Publishers Ltd
Pages 101
Chapters 8

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